O rádio FM e a propaganda em seu espaço on line / O rádio FM e a propaganda em seu espaço on line




The radio stations dont use efficiently the spaces they possess in the internet. This thesis was built based on this hypothesis. It is a study developed over sites of radio stations located in São Paulo, SP, through which it was possible to observe the way the stations use their spaces on-line to search interactivity with their listeners and also how the advertisers publicity material is shown. After the stage of researching sites, specialists divided in university professors, advertisers, professionals from publicity agencies and mass media were invited to verify if they believed in the possibility/capacity of building an interactive relation among radio stations, their sites and their public. Although the questionnaires totality pointed out they belive that it is possible, these professionals didnt indicate other possibilities for the use of this audiovisual media as a complementation of the communication process with the radio. Thus, this thesis presents the possibilities of interaction between the virtual world and the radio.(AU)


interatividade radio internet comunicacao rádio interactivity propaganda nas rádios internet

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