O queres tu mulher?: manifestações de gênero no debate de constitucionalidade da lei Maria da Penha




This work analyzed the gender in the argumentation on the constitutionality of the "Maria da Penha Law", identifying the extension to the legal field of symbolic dispute Gender of the social field. We used the definition of gender as a social construction of male and female, in which the patriarchy puts one in hegemonic position. Thus, the legal field is split into two streams: one that claims to be the "Maria da Penha Law" unconstitutional, endorsing male domination, and another, that to realize that the constitutionality of this law in its work on overcoming the asymmetries of relations patriarchal Gender. Although the dialogue between the legal and social field it is clear that there is real factors of power for maintaining the patriarchal order, in the legal field has proved open to social realization of equality between men and women


gênero - campo jurídico gender - social field brasil [lei n. 11.340, de 7 de agosto de 2006] lei maria da penha gênero - campo social maria da penha law ciencias sociais aplicadas gender - legal field leis -- constitucionalidade

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