O que há de materno na língua? : considerações sobre os sentidos de língua materna no processo de gramatização brasileira nos séculos XIX e XX / What is so motherly-like in the language? : regards about the sense of mother tongue in the Brazilian grammatisation process in the XIX and XX centuries


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The senses of the expression "mother language" in the initial period of the Brazilian process of grammatization are the subject of research in this work, which takes a historical and discursive conception of the sense and is based on the History of Linguistic Ideas, a theoretical and methodological field that considers as constitutive the relation between the history of metalinguistic knowledge and the history of the language. In order to situate the issue historically, it has been carried out, firstly, a study of the emergence of the expression "mother language" in the West. Based on the general analysis of the first known records of such expression in the West, the functioning of this expression in the grammars of Julio Ribeiro and Alfredo Gomes at the turn of the nineteenth to the twentieth century in Brazil has been specifically analyzed, aiming to understand how the senses of "mother language" built throughout the centuries in Europe resonated in the works of the Brazilian authors. The hypothesis presented here is that mother language is a historical construction whose senses follow strongly the grammatization process and the constitution of the national languages and of the National State. Given the absence of records before the twelfth century, the expression "mother language" is considered a medieval invention, initially used in Latin in the texts of the Church, as a way to counter this language to the emerging vernaculars. In the passage from the Middle Age to the Renaissance, a time of massive grammatization of the languages of the world from the Greco-Latin tradition, it is possible to state that there was an overlap between the senses of "mother language" and "national language", in a step that leads to building up the evidence of mother language as a first language, a language of the territory, a language that is opposed to the foreign language, senses deployed in Classical Antiquity by the expressions "patrius sermo" and "patria lingua", which argues against the merit of the evidence occurred with the expression "mother language". In Brazil, where grammatization is also in correspondence with the formation of the Nation and with the issue of the national language, the senses of the expression "mother language" raise issues as the recognition of a Brazilian linguistic identity and the validation of a certain knowledge about the Portuguese language in the country.


gramática comparada e geral - gramatização linguistic ideas grammar discourse analysis língua materna ideias linguisticas - história análise do discurso mother language comparative and general

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