O que eles têm a dizer? Serge Moscovici e Henri Lefebvre: um estudo sobre representação


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation is the result of a Master thesis held in the Graduate Program, Master of Education Regional University of Blumenau - FURB. The present study has as main objective to understand the perspectives of the representations and Moscovici Lefebvre as a reference for education. A relation of comparison between these two authors as to the meaning and sense of social representations, Lefebvre moves from the social to the individual points and the main source of power of representation, the property that human actions have to conceal or enhance situations manifested by eliminating or show evidence of power relations based on the organization of society. Moscovici already part of the vision for a social and individual representation defines the position and placement of subjective consciousness in social spaces with a view to provide insights on the part of individuals. On that basis the emphasis of research on the representation theory refers to the interest of the researcher to discuss how this debate can contribute to understanding of Education. Based on Lefebvre and Moscovici this study focuses on "The Representation Theory," in that it offers to educational research, new possibilities for dealing with diversity and complexity of education, understanding what leads to the formation and consolidation of concepts, being thus to reflect the theoretical support for education as something that transcends education and schooling. The confrontation between these two theoretical positions occurred in the construction of a table showing approaches, distances and differences. Emphasis was given to how these theoretical concepts are manifested in the construction of educational approach with an emphasis on positivist bias or a tendency to criticism. The importance of this research is characterized then as a reference for comparative study in educational proposals


representação serge moscovici henri lefebvre representações sociais educação psicologia social moscovici, serge; lefebvre, henri, 1905- ; psicologia social reresentation erge moscovici enri lefebvre education and social representations

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