O Programa SaÃde da FamÃlia e as AÃÃes Intersetoriais: potencial e limites




This thesis treats of a study about the Health s Family Program -PSF and the intersectorals actions, in the city of JoÃo Pessoa â PB. The general objective of this research was to analyze the potential and the limits of the HealthÂs Family Strategy (ESF) in the promotion of the intersectorals actions in the year of 2007, seeking to overcome the fragmentation of the public politics. The study is based in the context of the social sciences, in hermeneutics-dialetic method. It is a research of quail-quantitative nature. The methods and techniques for collection, analysis and understanding of the data, selected among the managers of SUS, the professionals and the users, from the city of JoÃo Pessoa, they were organized and analyzed starting from the technique of the Collective Subject s Speech (DSC). As instruments of discursive materialÂs collection, were used routes of individual interviews, focal groups and documental analysis. The results of the research indicate that all the speeches of the subjects involved in the study they appear for the potentialities of that strategy in the change of the model of attention to the health, as well as for your limits, in what it orientates the conception of a new sanitary practice, in the which the determinant and the condicionantes of the health-disease-care processes are your bases of analysis theoretical-practice. It concludes that the articulations of the health sector with the education sector, although limited, they come as possibility to execute. Concerning reduction of the infant mortality as exemplariness of the ESFÂs intersectorals practices, the study ended: planning absence guided to the reduction of the infant mortality; the PSF is seen by all the subjects researched as a strategy capable to contribute with the reduction of the infant mortality, tends your viability conditioned to the planning and operationalization of the actions with base in the local diagnosis. Finally, it is concluded that the Health Âs Family Strategy demonstrated potential for such purpose, however not being it allowed the total controls about those articulations, once the same ones are of complex nature


polÃticas pÃblicas saÃde da famÃlia aÃÃo intersetorial familyâs health intersectorals action nutricao public politics

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