O programa de DTS/AIDS e a formação em psicologia: determinações e cotradições para o trabalho do psicólogo / The IST/Aids Programme and the Psychology University Education: Determinations and contradictions to Psychologists work


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research has been motivated from our fourteen years of experience as psychologist at CRT Centre of Reference and Training on IST/Aids. We have been observed such as different forms of appropriations of the strategies from the programme; sometimes traditionally or others in conflict, by psychologist community. The observation of conflicts related to new needs of approaches in the Aids fields was kept along all our experience in the institution. The forms from which psychologists use the university education in order to give them background are not always steady among them. So, this present work aims to investigate the relations built and kept by psychologists with those responsible institutions for their carrying out work: University Education and the IST/Aids Programme public policies. As first plan, we developed investigation on the origins of psychology in Brazil, considering its main aspects and trends. As following, we studied the formation and organization of public health in Brazil and the belonging process of psychologists to this. After this we studied and analized aspects of the appropriation by psychologists in the IST/Aids Programme and its proposed strategies, in order to verify how psychologists handle with strategies which might be familiar or not to them. We interviewed four psychologists who act out in distinct sectors of CRT. Some of them are much more closed to a sort of clinical work and the two others act out more closed to the Programme strategies. We understood our subjects of research the psychologists from the theoretical position developed by the french psychoanalyst René Kaës, for whom the subject of unconscious as being subject of the group and in the same time there are the particular psychic formation demanded by such processes. In the end, we could observe that the psychologists have been developed an amount of pacts structured by Unconscious Alliances, theory developed by René Kaës. These pacts occur in order to produce such as appeasement of conflicts, present in the institutional activities and still to promote such a kind of adaptation and belonging to the group. We discussed, as last words, that those institutional pacts work as defensive processes, in order to avoid contradictions and tensions and, by other side keeping the life in institution under control. However, one can notice losses and damages during theses processes in that creative potential and the activities work can be threatened. It is important to face all of this in the field of university in dialogue with the strategies proposed by the public health and, as final, one must face that by building investigator professionals, as well


aids aids doenças sexualmente transmissíveis formação do psicólogo infectuous sexually transmitted ist instituições psicanálise institutions psychoanalysis psicólogos psycholists psychologists and university education sistema Único de saúde sus

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