O Professor Régio, o Bispo e o Ouvidor: distintos olhares sobre a educação em Recife (1759-1772).




The Regal Professors were established by License 28 June 1759, after the suspension of the Jesuits responsible for preaching and confession throughout the Portuguese territory in order to withdraw from family and church the authority on the education of youth, passing it to the Portuguese Monarchy. Selected from public examinations, those teachers should teach, guided by instructions, published by another License on the same date of June 28th ,1759, the principles that would allow the formation of a corps of officers able to carry forward the political-administrative project of Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, known as the Marquis of Pombal. This project proposed a greater control of the colonial relations between Portugal and Brazil from the second half of the eighteenth century. To understand how the measures prepared in pedagogical changes reflected in Pernambuco, between 1759 and 1772, chose the actions around the Regal Professor Manoel da Silva Coelho because we believe that its primacy as a master regal and their records in numerous letters and letters us to shape the perception on education before and after the reforms of the same. Besides Coelho, make use of the records of the Bishop of Pernambuco, D. Francisco Xavier Aranha, the Ombudsman, Bernardo Coelho da Gama Casco, the law on changes in education in order to realize that political sense, not just teaching, those changes were understood. Through the methodology ofdiscourse analysis, specifically the concepts of Michel Foucault and Norman Fairclough, understand that conflicts around changes in education have different meanings which made it impossible to its full establishment in Pernambuco in the second half of the eighteenth century. These meanings were attached to both the view that Regal Professor, the bishop and the Ombudsman had the respect of public instruction, in the unfolding political changes in education that could lead to the representations of power that they symbolized in relations between Portugal and its colonies in the eighteenth century. Accordingly, this dissertation is part of recent debates in historiography, specifically those linked to António Manuel Hespanha, regarding the administrative practice in the colonial period.


administração período colonial regal professors educação professores régios reforms in public education instrução pública análise do discurso historia regional do brasil recife,pernambuco (br)

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