The present piece of research is an attempt to reflect on the challenges and perspectives found in the pedagogical practice of the teaching / learning science process, in a sense that it links theory and practice in dialogue with the knowledge that is historically produced and systematized on the school circuit. Twenty-three teachers of Science who work in schools in Prudentópolis town, in Paraná State, took part in the research. The specific aims are: mapping the formation of the investigated teachers of Science; identifying the difficulties found by the teachers of Science when linking theory and their pedagogical practice; relating the trials of action used by the teachers to assign better usage to the contents of Science, in everyday practical situations. The subject of the analysis is the pedagogical practice of these teachers, aiming at the difficulties and possibilities in the leading of pedagogical practices in the Science lessons. Some important aspects which determine the teaching quality are considered, such as: initial and continued formation and theory / practice interaction, having the perspective of the teachers themselves and the conditions of the teaching effectiveness in mind. The Qualitative Research and observation techniques were chosen, as well as informal contacts and documental analysis. In the exploratory phase questionnaires to teachers of Science were used and three of them were selected to have their Science lessons observed because of the answers they gave. The results obtained were displayed in a graph, and after that the answers obtained were analyzed and the triangulation among them was done, as well as the observations, the informal contacts in documented dialogues and the existing bibliography on the target theme. The teachers pointed out the characteristics of their pedagogical practices, as well as the difficulties found to join theory and practice, making the educational process an active construction of subjectivity and a means that promotes citizenship. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the offering of continued formation is extremely important, as well as the valorization and the planning of the curriculum as basic pretexts to the effectiveness of quality in teaching, and the awareness that learning Science is one of the fundamental conditions for people to exercise their role as citizens and help in the process of social transformation, such things that nowadays are one of the greatest imperatives.


práticas pedagógicas teaching learning science process theory and practice educacao teoria e prática educação pedagogical practices processo ensino-aprendizagem de ciências

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