O processo discursivo de designação de pessoas : a determinação historico-social do nome proprio




Out of 5.436 proper names registered three decades ago in the Civil Registry Office of Vila Prudente, which has filed the names of more than a million people from the East Side of São Paulo city, less than 5% were foreign names. Contrastingly, in the year 2000, they had exceeded 30% of the total amount. According to an article published by Época, a Brazilian magazine responsible for these data, the picture that arouses from the books of the Registry Office of São Paulo city can be extended to all other big Brazilian cities. Reflecting upon this scenario, two aspects called our attention: 1) the foreign character the article refers assumes forms that is associated almost exclusively to English Language; 2) this phenomenon occurs most frequently among low Brazilian social classes, who do not have any kind of relationship with people of English speaking countries. It interested us to investigate the general discourse process of people designation in Brazil, taking it as the backstage to analyze de presence of these materialities of English Language in the discourse surfaces (proper names) of Brazilian designation. The theory we adopt in order to guide our research is the Discourse Analysis of French School, according to the way it has been developed in Brazil. We presented the discourse process of people designation as an object possible of being studied by the perspective of discourse type, in the sense that people designation would present invariables that always returns as discourse forms that interpelate the subject in his/her designation practice. In order to propose a categorization of the discourse forms that integrate the discourse process of people designation, we took into consideration three references: 1) the introductory text of O livro dos nomes, by Obata (2002), which is a survey that has as its main aim to present the meaning of names, whose introduction raises the most recurring motivating reasons as well as the most frequent circumstances that usually involve the ritual of people designation; 2) the Federal Brazilian Law of Public Civil Registry n.º 6.015, of 1973, that establishes the norms that must be observed at the moment of the civil name registering. We proposed the following discourse forms out of the corpus we selected: i) Gender Discourse Form of the Name; ii) Linguistic Discourse Form of the Name; iii) Ideality Discourse Form of the Name; iv) Ideality Discourse Form of the Referent; v) Evidence-effect Discourse Form of the Name (or Transparency Discourse Form of the Name), and vi) Discourse Anticipation of Events. In the process of choosing or composing a proper name there are several states which result from non-consciousness states (forgetfullness) which interpelate the designator subject to illusonally believe that he or she is the source of the chosen name. The designator chooses a name according to a) the appropriate gender of the child, characterizing his/her traits to the subjectability of the Gender Discourse Form of the Name; b) to the normative identity of Portuguese Language, what links the designator to the Linguistic Discourse Form of the Name and c) to the ideality values (themes) with which he or she identifies as well as recognizes himself or herself, characterizing the Ideality Discourse Form of the Name and/or the Ideality Discourse Form of the Referent. We identified people that officially requested to Brazilian Court the exchange of their names asserting its ridiculous aspect (or its difference in relation to the patterns of designation practice in Brazil). On the other hand, other people did not officially request their names to be exchanged, albeit having expressed the will of doing it so by the same reasons, which led us to point out, once again, the relevance of the people subjecting towards designation practice. When we analyze the designator subjects discourses, in general, we realize, besides the discourse forms we pointed out, the constant interpelation which occurs in the imaginary level according to which the language is transparent, hence the name, in the sense that the operation of giving a name is a descriptive designation, referring to the child birth circumstances, and/or this operation would still have overdetermining power, by the meanings it (will) carries (y) throughout the future life of the designated subject. These results took us to propose the last two discourse forms: the Evidence-effect Discourse Form of the Name (that could also be called Transparency Discourse Form of the Name), and Discourse Anticipation of Events The discourse analysis of designated subjects who have names considered by themselves different from common names in Brazilian community, showed that the difference of their names enters in a tense relation with the sameness, the recurrence, the repetition, the homogeneity of the names in society. If, in one hand, these designator subjects idealized a different name, sometimes by linking the difference of the name to the possibility of granting them an imaginary better life, by the other hand they ignored the weight of the non-consciousness states in society, condemning the designated subject to pay the price of difference, of deviation


proper names analise de discurso discourse analysis english language interpelation non-consciousness states nomes lingua inglesa designation

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