O processo de constituição de aspirações ocupacionais na interface educação/trabalho.




The goal of this research was to investigate how the process of formation of occupational aspirations and adolescents, differentiating them by class, gender and participation of the labor market. With respect to this process, the focus was the dynamics of the relationship between parents and children, through the expectations of the former. The interest of this proposal was to study how to represent the occupational aspirations in relation to parents, regarding socioeconomic factors and gender, and investigate whether this relationship is crucial to the inclusion of adolescents in the labor market that stage of life (Entwisle; Alexander, Olson, 2007; Halaby, 2003). The discussion around work in adolescence, as well as the mechanisms involved in this process is of paramount importance in Brazil, where about one third of teenagers between 15 and 17 years were working in 2001, combining study and work or just working , according to data from the National Sample Survey (PNAD) (Savoy, Smith, Kappel, 2004). The issue of child and adolescent, long ago, is the subject of debate in the field of social rights. But only in 1990 with the approval of the Child and Adolescent (ECA), that Brasil moved closer to a possible guarantee of fundamental rights and the establishment of family duties and the state towards children and adolescents ((Brazil , 1990). To answer the questions posed, there was the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. First, we considered two groups of adolescents who work, those middle class and those with low incomes, which are embedded in social programs, and two control groups, which were composed of those teens of those socio-economic conditions, but not worked. And in all cases was the presence of formal education. From this, the qualitative sample consisted of 20 adolescents between 15 and 18 years of age who were attending high school, of both sexes and their parents. They sought to meet the objective criteria that the subjects were in the period of adolescence, where the process of formation of occupational aspirations is still intense, though less than in childhood ( Bryant, Zvonkovic e Reynolds, 2007). We also used the database of the research "Social Losses Caused by Violence: Violence in schools", held in 2005 by the Centro de Estudos em Criminalidade e Segurança Pública (CRISP), with 3568 cases of the student population of the metropolitan region of Belo horizon. The sample for this step has met the same criteria of the qualitative phase, resulting in 881 case. The empirical research does not relieve a literature review, so that field studies of the implementation of status (Featherman and Haller, 2006, Haller and Portes, 1973; Mead, 1934) and inequality of class, race and gender in Brazil (Aguiar , Fernandes and Neves, 2007; Ribeiro, 2003) based the data analysis. Findings allowed to carry out a description of the aspirations and expectations of the subjects studied, according to selected variables, and attempt to understand the mechanisms that are present in family interaction, and make some inferences regarding the presence of work in adolescence and its implications for public policy.


sociologia teses. ocupações teses. trabalho teses. adolescentes condições sociais teses.

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