O processo criativo com os bonecos de luva : magia, mimetismo, ludicidade, poesia e símbolo.




This research focuses the apprentices and educators? creative process, having the glove puppets created out of papier mâché, as mediating instruments in this experience with theater-education. Starting with considerations and an analysis aboutthe teaching-learning relation, lived experiences and questions about the process experimented with apprentices of Public Schools and educators of the Paulo Tonucci Cultural Center are presented. The glove puppet mediated the creation process, made the esthetic appreciation, the contextualization and the experimental production possible. During the creative process in classes and workshops, the puppet made the understanding of the mimetic phenomenon possible, as part of the learning process, however, the imitation was just the starting-point. The creation process was characterized by developing esthetic sensibility, imagination, perception and the participants? creativity, building artistic knowledge through the creation of puppetcharacters, texts, stories, environment, costumes and characterization. Based on this experience, technical support about creation and glove puppets manipulation was developed as a methodological option. To understand the glove puppet?s historic cultural dimension, studies developed by psychologist Lev Semenovich Vygotsky were utilized. Concepts of mediation, Zone of Proximal Development and Real Developmente Level were used to question about the formulated hypothesis. The glove puppet is studied through a philosophic, pedagogic-play and symbolic-poetical vision of the artistic creative process. In this trajectory, having as a theoretical support the triangular Ana Mae Barbosa proposal, the educators and apprentices process is outlined, starting with appreciation, contextualization and the production of the glove puppets out of papier mâché. Based on the contemplated dimensions, it is also possible to understand the importance of playing and cultural, esthetic, symbolic-poetical values of the puppets in the development of the creative potential.


teatro processo de criação bonecos de luva glove puppets theater education teatro educação arte art creation process

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