O problema do aquecimento global no sistema da Organização das Nações Unidas : desafios na concepção de mecanismos de intervenção na atividade econômica socioambientalmente orientados




The legal approach of the global warning issue depends on a transdisciplinary study. Knowing the assumptions of the climate change science allows to outline a suitable regulatory view in the United Nations Organization system. Understanding the sources and the principiology of the environment international law gives the possibility to analyze the structure and the purposes of the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change and of its Kyoto protocol. To visualize the existing tools of environmental protection and assimilate the reasons of the internalization of environmental costs gives theoretical subsidies to discuss the challenges in the conception of new mechanisms for the protection and environmental preservation. The conception of socialenvironmentally guided mechanisms of intervention in economic activity with is based on the integrated dimension of the polluter pays principle and on a perspective of the socialenvironmental democratic state of law. In its integrated dimension, the polluter pays principle shows, up that the appreciation of the complexity of the environmental issue involves the adoption of methodological transdisciplinary bases to face the ecological risks, that the analysis not fragmented from the ecological matter involves in the visualization of the environment as a macroben; and that the orientation of the economical activity by public policies based on the collective involves in the macrologic conception of the environmental rules. The socialenvironmental democratic state of law must be made as a socialenvironmental democracy stated founded on socialenvironmental justice and aiming to guarantee the socialenvironmetal equity. Refusing the nationalization/publicization and the technization and recognizing the lack of liberal view, the socialenvironmental democracy has an environmental opening once that guarantee the right to the environmental information and to the citizen formation and information, allows the initiatives of citizens and depends on the generalized social support, gives the citizens the right of participation in the decision processes of environmental public departments; and centered on the associacionism gives the organizations the right to petition and the access to a collective tutelage. Founded on the socialenvironmental justice and aiming to guarantee the socialenvironmental equity, the socialenvironmental discrimination must be forbidden and, reflectively, the rationality in the use of the natural patrimony must be imposed. In this context, the issue of the global warning in the United Nations Organization system is proposed to be analyzed because of the challenges in the conception of socialenvironmentalally guided mechanisms of intervention in economic activity.


direito ambiental direito aquecimento global mudanças globais de temperatura

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