O problema da acessibilidade em conjuntos habitacionais de baixa renda / The problem of the acessibility in habitacionais sets of low income




This work inside presents relative aspects to the main existing problems in the habitacionais sets of low income of the field of the accessibility and the universal drawing. It considers to study the possibilities and conditions of reach for use of the internal and external spaces, for people with deficiency or reduced mobility The evaluation of the problems was made through visit to the housing of people with locomotion difficulty, having as base what it is foreseen in the norms and laws of the city of São Paulo. Also it was evaluated by means of analysis of the collected data, the degree of satisfaction of the physical deficient users how much to its capacity to go and to come inside of the habitacional set. With this a diagnosis of the current situation of the accessibility of the place was made This work will go to present suggestions that facilitate the activities of the daily life of people with physical difficulties, inside of habitacionais sets, identifying inside of these enterprises what it hinders or it makes it difficult the access to the buildings, the free circulation in the condominium, in the parking, halls, areas of leisure and inside of the apartments. As closing it will go to stimulate an accessible architecture and the construction of habitacionais sets with universal access since its conception, besides showing measured possible to be taken for the improvement of the accessibility


acessibilidade habitação de interesse social accessibility habitation of social interest engenharias dificuldade de locomoção barreira arquitetônica difficulty of locomotion barrier architectural conjunto habitacional deficiente físico desenho universal deficient physicist universal drawing planejamento, gestão e projeto

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