O princípio da eficiência na constituição federal de 1988




This work aims at showing the reason why the Principle of Efficiency was included in the Federal Constitution of 1988 by means of the Constitutional amendment number 19/98. Thus, we begin with notions of the evolution of the concept of State since its origin to the Contemporary Age. Then, we carry on with the evolution of the Brazilian State focusing the main historical moments. We introduce the need for a Reform in the Brazilian State and, therefore, we indicate the lack of a Managerial Public Administration. As far as the Brazilian Administation Reform is concerned we mention the innovations brought by the Constitutional Amendment number 19/98, more specifically the Principle of Efficiency. Having considered that, we discuss the constitutional principles focusing concept, classification, difference between constitutional principles, and rules. We comment the concept of efficiency, the efficiency in public services and evidence that the efficiency in the Public Administration is nothing new, since it has been mentioned in several legal diplomas. However, the intention is to I i understand why it has been raised to the condition of Constitutional Principle, and that is the purpose of this work. Finally, we shall point out that we do not intend to limit the issue


direito principio da eficiencia brasil -- constituicao -- 1988

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