O princÃpio da proteÃÃo no direito do trabalho brasileiro: uma nova leitura




Labor Law has fallen into a deep crisis due to the economic globalization, neo-liberal philosophy and the need of more flexible labor regulations in Brazil, forcing a reflection over the interprettation and enforcement of the principles that protect workers. This article argues that the innovations in legal standards have contributed to the predominance of capital over labor, and that a complete new approach is essential to ensure the security of workers. It claims it is fundamental to avoid the patrimonial concept which has always prevailed in labor contracts and make sure that human dignity comes first, avoiding the labor standards to be degraded. Labor Law and its principles must guarantee the dignity to workers of making a living, and must see them not only as people who have legal rights, but also as people whose only means of surviving is their worforce. In these changing times it is vital to ensure that workers will have their rights respected, that minimum labor standards will be guaranteed and enforeced and that eventual changes in Labor Law must be protective of core labor rights and workers dignity


leitura princÃpio da proteÃÃo princÃpio da dignidade da pessoa humana direito do trabalho direito

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