O potencial dos espaços abertos na qualificação urbana : uma experiência piloto na Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz / The potencial of open spaces in the urban qualification : a design experiment at Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present work focuses on open spaces for collective use as articulators of the shape, use and appropriation of the contemporary city. It is the continuity of a research that started in the master thesis, where the concept of the Architecture of the Boundary involved the redesign of the territories that mediate the public and the private realms. The hypothesis of this research is the existence of a potential inherent to the collective use open spaces for the social and environmental qualification of the urban places, in the viewpoint of Urban Design. Its aim is to identify the potentials for socioenvironmental qualification of contemporary city s consolidated parts, through the redesign of its open spaces, to the extent that develops greater sensitivity in the perception of public-private boundary, in conjunction to the application of procedural strategies for participatory design. The research took an exploratory character, developing an action research that began with a case study of instrumental nature. It was selected a university space, as an experimental field: the campus of Universidade Estadual de Campinas, in São Paulo State, Brazil, called Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz. The reason for selecting this objet of study is due to its characteristics of an urban fragment that incorporates a range of interests and conflicts rich for the investigation of the proposed subject. Starting from the analysis of the open spaces of that campus, it was held an experiment for the requalification of its central square - Praça do Ciclo Básico, focal point of the campus urban fabric and social life. The theoretical and conceptual foundation of the work was structured on the state of the art of the theories of Urban Design and the environmental analysis was based on the concepts of the Ecological Model of the Urban Environment. The valuation of open spaces for collective use was incorporated as one priority of the university to improve the quality of life of its community, through the process of participatory design. The action research methodology proved to be suitable for the urban design process, insofar as it enabled the interaction with the community involved. It also brought together the theoretical research dimension and the praxis of urban and architectural production. The results that were reached encourage other critical analysis that may result in design proposals that generate urban scenarios conceptually consistent and that qualify the open spaces of collective use of the urban environment.


espaços abertos ambiente universitário planejamento urbano open spaces university environment social diversity urban planning

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