O pio do passáro : uma análise das funções prototípicas do tweet = The bird s tweet : an analysis of tweet s prototypical functions / The bird s tweet : an analysis of tweet s prototypical functions


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Considering that, according Sandig (2009), the texts, in certain situations, fulfill certain functions that refer to certain issues, our goal in this work was to seek the functions performed prototypically by the tweets - messages up to 140 characters posted on Twitter - produced by the subjects chosen for our study. From the functions found, we presented also the situation in which the tweets are performed and their theme. According to Bakhtin (2003), the statement is marked by the specificity of its sphere of activity, which is why we decided to select, for this work, subjects of different spheres of activities to analyze the prototypical functions of their tweets. Considering that the spheres of activity more present on Twitter are familiar, literary, journalistic and artistic, we decided to analyze, from familiar, Flavia Orci?s tweets. From the literary sphere, the Fabricio Carpinejar?s tweets. From the journalistic sphere, we will analyze the tweets of the journalist Rosana Hermann. From the artistic sphere, Rafinha Bastos? tweets. We also analyzed the tweets of João Pismel, which can be considered a hybrid, because it deals with the theme of familiar sphere, but acts as a subject of artistic sphere. Analyzing the tweets posted by each subject in the period from 15 to 30 September 2010, we found some prototypical functions, functions that were performed - with more or less often, depending on the sphere of activity - on the tweets of all subjects selected. They were: to inform, to interact and to reflect. These were therefore functions discussed in this study. Very important for this work is the concept of text. Following the approaches of Koch (2011) and Hanks (1996), we consider here the text as an interactive activity that fills a recognizable communicative function in a given social context.


linguística textual protótipo (linguística) twitter análise do discurso textual linguistics prototype (linguistics) twitter discourse analysis

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