O perfil do formado em Odontologia entre 1997 e 2001 no Estado de Pernambuco e sua inserção no mercado de trabalho




The study had as purpose to broaden the knowledge about newly-graduated professionals in Dentistry courses in Pernambuco, drawing up their profile, analysing their perspective of entering job market, assessing their satisfaction with the courses attended and their performance as for preparation to execute dental specialities as general practitioners, as well as the researched professionals satisfaction with the choice of being a dentist. It was obtained a simple arbitrary sample among graduating students in Pernambuco between 1997 and 2001, according to data supplied by the Regional Dentistry Council, and questionaire answered by 211 professionals who after being explained about this study purpose agreed freely and consciously to participate. Results showed that the dentists graduated in Dentistry courses from Pernambuco are on avarage 23 years old, are predominantlywomen (63,03%), single (91,94%), live with their parents during the course (66,82%), studied in private schools (89,10%), the majority belongs to middle c1ass (60,19%), have dentists in their family (44,55%) and have chosen the profession because they believe in their professional and personal fulfilment. It was observed that they are carrying on the profession (96,21%) specially in private smgeries or sharing this one with other friends (24,64%) and, earning between 3 and 10 minimum salaríes (86,73%). lt was noticed that professionals graduated at UFPE (42,70%) and at FOP (44,05%) would not course Dentistry again being significant the difference when compared to those graduated at FOC (26,32%) for the same option. It was registered that those graduated at UFPE (97,75%) classified the acquired knowledge as not enough or reasonable, while those from FOP (83,33%) and FOC (86,84%) marked this option, being significant the differences found (qui-quadrado p = 0,004). It was also noticed that at all three schools Restorative Dentistry was the most mentioned speciality among those which professionals consider themselves able to execute, as general practitioners, while Orthodontia and Facial Orthopaedics, at Federal University of Pemambuco (UFPE) with 73,03%, Implantodontia at Dentistry College of Pemambuco (FOPIUPE) with 63,19% and Implantodontia and Dental Protesis at Dentistry College of Caruaru (FOC/SCES), both with 55,26%, are mentioned as those in which the professionalsdo not feel prepared to execute


mercado de trabalho cirurgiões-dentistas odontologia legal

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