O Partido dos Trabalhadores e a polÃtica na ParaÃba: construÃÃo e trajetÃria do partido no estado (1980 - 2000)




This study makes reference to the building and development of Party of the Work (PT) in the State of ParaÃba. PT was created by some social forces that actuate during the 70âs for redemocratization in Brazil, sindicalists, ground organization from Catholic Church, organizations of underground left, parlamentaries from left MDB and, finally with left ntellectualists linked or not to underground organizations this categorization of social compound of the party, described in several academic works, has its base in the State of SÃo Paulo. PT in the State of ParaÃba is basically formed by two social categories, present in the State of SÃo Paulo: ground organisms of Catholic Church and the left underground organizations. It might concern that sindical movement at ParaÃba was too weak and with conection to the state, among other things, due economic conditions as a small number of industries. That way, to participate of sindicates, the main category is public works and some leadership linked to sindical oppositions, that were organized with sponsor Work Pastorate had a participation in the Party birth. This study analyse how a Party as PT intends to represents woks class and defend changes in status quo, would be build in a State with ParaÃbaâs characteristic, economic delay, mark with a political culture oligarquic and authoritary where predominate assistencialist and clientelist practice to control the electorate, beside of a work class and a civil society fragile. We observed also that had happened changes inside the Party, mainly, after its participation in the institutionalization, and with broad changes in world politics, as well as, specific situations in Brazil and ParaÃba, show particularities woth relation to southeast region, mainly where its birth â SÃo Paulo â what brings some consequences for the way of its political action, electorate density and social base composition


partido dos trabalhadores partidos polÃticos historia do brasil histÃria polÃtica party of the work political history political party

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