O papel da gestão da manutenção no desenvolvimento da estratégia da manufatura




There are countless works today around the subject strategy and mainly of the corporate and business strategies. That is different when it is spoken about the functional strategies. Besides they be little explored in the literature, in general, the literature on strategy treat with very more emphasis the content and little in what says respect to the process of strategic formulation. The functional strategy of the manufacture function can develop competitive advantages for the business, creating competences difficult of be mock for the competition. This work is positioned exactly in that point, proposing an investigation to explore the competences brought by the maintenance, to explain if implications of these competences exist in the manufacturing strategy and as that it happens. For that investigation a classic technical procedure of multiple case study was used, with seven cases, besides four interviews with specialists, using as study object the strategic management of maintenance areas of process industries. The maintenance was shown as a formation source and development of competences that aid in the accomplishment of the manufacturing vision.


administração da produção produtos industrializados manutenção produtiva total planejamento estratégico engenharia de producao

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