O OrÃamento Participativo de Fortaleza: Ã possÃvel uma pedagogia da participaÃÃo popular? / Participative Budget in Fortaleza: Is there a pedagogy of popular participation?


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis aims to investigate the phenomenon of popular participation in the Participative Budget (PB) of Fortaleza as a pedagogical process. The pedagogy is understood as an establishing process, able to mobilize new socio-political imaginary. This bias includes the theoretical and conceptual contributions of Castoriadis and Paulo Freire. In this work, we conducted a case study limited to the first four years (2005 - 2008) of the implantation of PB in Fortaleza. The PB is part of a participatory-democratic project, based on a perspective of democracy whose principles of popular deliberation, social control, autonomy, etc., hold on the popular empowerment. In this way, the aim of this thesis had a focus on the subject (individual and collective) and on the possibilities of this to develop a way of to exist collectively. Participation does not include individual learnings, but that which give between individuals, therefrom the central category to be "pedagogy of participation". This terms cover a number of other subcategories (collective eidos, dialogical knowledge, pedagogical time, public domain of knowledge) that are guiding the investigative process. The research results revel the PB of Fortaleza as an institution able of to establish tensions with a socio-political imaginary already established, but these tensions did not breaks with traditional ways of doing politics (territoriality, administrative time, knowledge epistemic, etc..), making impossible the formation of a collective.


sociologia orÃamento participativo pedagogia da participaÃÃo imaginÃrio sÃcio-polÃtico autonomia deliberaÃÃo popular participative budget pedagogy of participation socio-political imaginary autonomy popular deliberation orÃamento municipal â fortaleza(ce) â participaÃÃo do cidadÃo administraÃÃo pÃblica â participaÃÃo do cidadÃo

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