O novo sistema de formação profissional brasileiro. Análise crítica exemplificada na experiência cearense.




The objective of this thesis is to critically (re) examine the reform of the professional teaching system carried out by the government under President Fernando Henrique Cardoso at the end of the 90s, taking on as reference the State of Cearás new professional teaching experience. In order to accomplish the investigation, concepts and conditions of Marxism were used, which enabled the possibility to analyze the problem starting out from its determining and historic conditions .In the empiric research, methods and techniques of qualitative methodologies were used, deep rooted in social representation and active participation of the subjects researched. For each group of participants differentiated techniques were used. The following results were attained through the research: 1. The recent educational reform executed by the FHC government is an adjustment, of a mercantilist and conservationist nature, of the Brazilian educational system to the demands of the new model of dependent economic development, directed by neo-liberal guidelines. 2. Adjustment of education consolidated by the FHC administration began during the military regime in 1964 when university (Law 5.540/68), elementary and secondary school (Law 5.692/71) reforms were promulgated. Concerning Ceará, one can conclude that: 1. The new professionalizing schools in Ceará (CVTs and CENTECs), judicially and pedagogically sustained in FHCs educational reform, introduce to the state-owned teaching system the same private administration used by the private sector, denominating it as Social Organization. 2. The new schools in Ceará develop an ultra specialized professional education, in accordance to the requisites of the local business undertakings. 3. The students of the state-owned schools are mostly young, with ages varying from 15 to 35 and come from the same region where the researched schools are located. 4. The teachers and students who were interviewed showed disheartenment and incredulity regarding the current education policies in Brazil, national and state-wide. 5. Disconnection between the productive sector and the professionalizing schools. Finally, it was evaluated that this thesis revealed relevant elements for debate on professionalizing education in Brazil and Ceará. The use of the professionalizing education motto disguises the real causes to problems of unemployment and poverty; and edifying a state-owned professional teaching system guided by the pedagogical and institutional premises of the market.


política educacional mercado de trabalho neoliberalismo ensino profissional educacao

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