O movimento social negro: da contestação as políticas de ações afirmativas e a implicação para aplicação da Lei Federal 10.639/03 o caso da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Santa Maria - RS. / The black social movement: the defense policies of affirmative action and the implication for the implementation of Federal Law 10.639/03 - the case of municipal school of Santa Maria-RS.




This investigation had as its object the implantation of the Federal Law 10.639/03, which focuses on the compulsory inclusion of African Brazilian History teaching in the school syllabuses, in all educational levels, reaching both private and public systems. The city of Santa Maria-RS was taken as an empiric reference, trying to analyze the Countys Education Secretary actions towards the laws implantation, as well as its relation with the scholar universe and the local Black Social Movement. The objective was to understand the way through which a historic demand of the Black Social Movement in favor of an anti discriminatory education can be assimilated by the Brazilian state when it becomes a law, impacting concretely in the educational reality, both at planning and at the daily school routines. To do so, a historic retrospective of the Black Social Movement fights took place, related to other social movements that fight against the capitalist relations of production, making possible to denude how the race issue plays a specific role towards the social issue and it is stated as central by the new social movements that look for transformations in the ethic-racial, gender or sexual relations, in relation to the environment or in the redefinition of urbanity, beyond the capital-work conflicts. It is a step forward into the understanding of how the education starts to appear in the Black Social Movement flags as a tool to fight racism and how the journey of affirmative actions in Brazil and in the world are being rebuild, debating the impact into Brazilian society and its implication in education since elementary till superior levels. In this sense, a referential chart is drawn, in which the limits and contradictions surrounding the Federal Law 10.639/03 implantation are understood as part of a socio-historic and cultural-politic process of combating the racial inequalities in Brazil. For the data analysis, the data triangulation method was applied, taking as basis the National Curricular Directions to the Education of Ethnic Racial Relations and to the teaching of African-Brazilian History and Culture, relating them to the actions of Santa Marias Education Cabinet and the leaderships perception about the Black Movement at local, national and state levels. The actions of the Countys Cabinet were promoted by the Black Social Movement organizations, by the state education system and the NEAB-UFSM, being the professors unprepared to accomplish the legal demands. Furthermore, the schools continue to open spaces with the black leaderships in relevant dates, such as November 20th, emphasizing cultural aspects, but not changing teachers practices neither the schools everyday routines in a sense of an education that can promote Racial Equality.


brasil educação affirmative action programs educacao blacks law 10.639/03 education race discrimination programa de ação afirmativa negros discriminação racial brazil lei 10.639/03

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