O método proposto por Leibniz para a ciência do direito, suas fontes e o destino de sua obra jurídica




The following work concerns the legal works of Wilhelm Gottfried Leibniz, who is nowadays recognized as a name of great importance among the philosophers, and who was also a lawyer. In spite of his works in various areas being a lot mentioned these days, those related to legal subjects, however, are lesser-known. This calls into question whether Leibnizs works have always been in that situation. In order to investigate that matter, we decided to examine the book entitled Nova Methodus discendae docendaeque jurisprudentia, published in 1667. Its text is emblematic and a lot representative of Leibnizs works. Its study was not easy, once it involved the translation of the text, which mentions hundreds of sources and includes several expressions of which many are old-fashioned or have lost their meaning. The intention of this work is that of revealing a document that is a map of the knowledge of the period when it was written and constitutes a record of the back-ground and aims of its author. This work clarifies information that was not well known previously, since we have found no record of the book having being fully translated from Latin to modern languages before. All that leads to findings on features of Leibniz and his works, such as encyclopaedism and ancient wisdom traditions. Besides this and among the existence or religious and political subjects, the context in which the book was written is also evidenced. The authors relationships with tendencies such as theology of Reformation, catholic rulers and scholars connected to the Counter-reformation and men with irenic proposals, are also evidenced. The result of this arrangement of sources and factors appears as something of note in Leibnizs legacy of jurisprudence, something that enables us to explain what has happened to his works about law


obra leibniziana leibniz, gottfried wilhelm -- [1646-1716] historia das ciencias direito -- filosofia history of science

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