O metodo BPI (bailarino-pesquisador-interprete) e o desenvolvimento da imagem corporal : reflexões que consideram o discurso de bailarinas que vivenciaram um processo criativo baseado neste metodo




This work explains the basic aspects of the BPI: Bailarino-Pesquisador-Intérprete ("Dancer-Researcher-Interpreter") Process, integrated with the theoretical studies of body image. The main theoretical reference about body image is the Paul Shilder s multi-dimensional and dynamic view. It was identified some aspects related to the development of body image into the BPI based creating process, starting from a questionnaire applied to the dancers that experienced this processo The openned questions of the questionnaire were examined considering both the content and discussing analyses, generating several interpretation categories. The reflections presented here consolidated the three axes of the BPI - The Inventory in the Body; The Co-Inhabit with the Source and The Personage s Structuring - and increasing theirs meaning. The BPI process is seen in a systemic perspective since there is no way of separating these axes as we don t separate the artist from its personal development. The BPI aims for making possible the contact between person and its emotional recordings, requiring continously enhancements of the method, of the person that manages it and of the person that choose it in order to develop itself. In this perspective there is the possibility of emerging a dance from a body that gets in touch with its own cultural origns, that co-inhabits with another bodies - once it has conditions to supporting the affective duality - and that integrates the experienced contents, naming them, and that enables the dancer to assuming entirely in the act of dancing. It is presented the proposals of method enhancement that emphasizes the need of a suitable space and a cl~ar definition of the director and interpreter roles in the process contexto


dança movimento coreografia imagem corporal

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