O mapa da midia eletronica em eleições locais no Estado de São Paulo




The objective of this dissertation is to explain and characterize the access of cities to free airtime for politica! advertising on television during local elections. The assignment started from the proposition that there are cities with access to television as a resource of advertising - cities with a "modem campaign", and others which do not have access to such a resource - cities with a "traditional campaign". The assignment has concluded that there are two contexts which determine this scenario of free political advertising airtime for local elections: a legal context which involves the electoral legislation and the role of the Electoral Justice, and a technical context which involves the broadcasting forms of the television networks. Secondly, the assignment has delimitaded the universe of the cities which rely on electronic means for political advertising in the state of São Paulo for the elections of year 2000. Eventually, a research was conducted about how elections are characterized in these cities. For this purpose, a panel survey was carried out in the city ofBatatais, state of São Paulo, in 2000


pesquisa eleitoral - brasil propaganda politica campanha eleitoral televisão e politica

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