O manganes e seus usos industriais




Manganese has an essential use in modero industrial production. Its principal application is associated with iron and steel production in which its technical performance and economic advantages finds no substitute. Manganese and its by products are used in many other areas, both as a component and a raw material. Its most predominat use is in fertilizer, animal food industries and manufacture of batteries. If on one hand, each application demands specific requirements of physical and chemical raw materials, whether in its content or impurities and contaminants, on the other hand, manganese is obtained from natural deposits in the earth s crust. Their composition is a result of a mineral complex of more than 300 species of which varied mineral composition can be found within a deposito Aligning the chacacteristics that conforms to each industrial use and the ones more adjusted for the production of raw materials, can not only be an important competitive element but also a value increasing factor of the product, making mining viable. This is only possible with a more extensive knowledge of the different geochemical types of manganese deposits and the chemical and physical characteristcs required by its diverse uses, as sought out in this thesis


manganes economia mineral

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