O luto do filho perfeito: um estudo psicológico sobre os sentimentos vivenciados por mães com filhos portadores de paralisia cerebral




A psychological study is carried out in this work. It is about the feelings which are experienced by some mothers of children who suffer from cerebral paralysis and it relates the problematic of the children by means of the study of a few cases. The subject was chosen because the theme is frequently discussed, but is literature is rare in relation to the mothers feelings. The approach is usually focused in the problem of the child and in the society behaviour facing the cerebral paralysis. The researcher carried out semi-structured interviews with six mothers whose children studied at Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (APAE) in Campo Grande-MS, where she worked as a psychologist responsible for the sector of Cerebral Paralysis. Such interviews, as well as the collection of information in the children reference books and the observations taken during the attendance of the mothers in the psychological guidance, served of a basis for the collection of data. This qualitative research uses the speech analysis and the psycho dynamics approach for the comprehension and interpretation of the phenomenon. Among the chosen subjects as a theoretical basis in this research, it is possible to find: the psyco dynamic approach of the family during the pregnancy; the feelings and expectations of the family during the pregnancy; aspects of the history of women and their relation with the maternity in Brazil and in the word; the mothers feelings who idealise the child during the gestation, and then face the bird of a child who suffers from cerebral paralysis. The results which were obtained in the cases studied showed, for example, the frustration of parents facing the birth of a disable child who is different from the perfect one once idealized; changes in the family context where the mother is frequently the most affected; difficult for the society to notice that a person who suffers from cerebral paralysis is an individual with limitations, but also with potentialities; the families feelings and ambivalent attitudes before an uncertain future for themselves e for the child who suffers from cerebral paralysis. Concluding, the present research do not intend to explore the subject completely given to its comprehension and depth. However, the aim of this work is to attract attention for the importance of the emotional aspects which the family goes through and mainly the situation of the mothers of children who suffer from cerebral paralysis.


childrens psychology psicologia infantil aspectos psicológicos. paralisia cerebral nas crianças; psicologia infantil; família aspectos psicológicos family - psychological aspects. família psicologia paralisia cerebral nas crianças childrens cerebral paraliysis

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