O lugar dos lugares: a escrita argumentativa na universidade / The place of places: the argumentative writing in the university




The present work aims to show how places (topoï) can be an efficient instrument for teaching argumentative procedures. This is an essential process due to the urgency in seeking new teaching methodologies of argumentation in the university which will enable the student to get started in the research writing and also improve his/her general speech performance. The methodology used was the application of didactic sequences according to the proposals of the School of Genebra (Schneuwly, Dolz, Pasquier), which provided the information about the genre critical review in a discursive approach and, more specifically, about the argumentative procedures. The theoretical principles based on social-interacionism, the report of application and the analysis of corpus production are presented throughout this study. The analysis of this experience led to a reconsideration about the function of places (topoï) which came out in an operational resource putting forward a reflection about the mother language teaching in a way it can collaborate to make people more active in all social areas, without limiting it to the university environment, rather thinking about citizenship responses and claims as well as during social interaction and when making political choices


argumentation university teaching gênero escrita argumentação lugares (topoï) writing places (topoï) genre ensino superior

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