O lugar da linguagem escrita na afasiologia : implicações e perspectivas para a neurolinguistica




In this work I proceed to a historical review of study of written language in Aphasiology, from a discourse-based perspective. I have observed that the writing and reading practices of aphasic sujects were, and still are, treated in a cognitivist and strictly grammatical model. I have perceived that, when linguistic, cultural, cognitive and discourse-based relations between orality and writing are established, these two modalities of language present more similarities than differences.To consider a continuum between both, from the point of view of formal and discoursive-based similarities and differences, implies significant changes in the way of understanding the aphasic phenomenon. I have also observed that the practice of writing by aphasic subjects, when analyzed from the stance of the neurolinguistics of discoursive, can be made to reveal old and new relations that are established between the subject, his/her language, his/her interlocutors and his/her social action. When discussing questions such as these, I take into account linguistic subjects that the attend the Centro de Convivência de Afásicos (CCA- IEL/UNICAMP).


afasia escrita neurolinguistica leitura

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