O livro didático de Língua Portuguesa e o tratamento dado às categorias Tempo, Aspecto e Modalidade: uma análise histórico-comparativa entre as décadas de 1970, 1980, 1990 e 2000 / The textbook of Portuguese language and treatment given to categories Tense, Aspect and Modality: a analysis historical-comparative among the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s




The main purpose of this research study is to evaluate how the categories Tense, Aspect and Modality are approached, in the analysis of the verb and adverbs of tense and mood, by authors of textbooks of Portuguese language in the Elementary school and in the High School. Textbooks from four decades, 1970, 1980, 1990 e 2000 were compared in order to analyze the study of these categories throughout the time. As a whole, 28 textbooks were analyzed. Under the apparatus of the Functionalism and the Sociolinguistics, a report was elaborated with questions referring to Tense, Aspect and Modality. Some official documents were taken, also, as a basis: National Curriculum Parameters (in Portuguese, PCNs), National Textbook Program (in Portuguese, PNLD) and National High School Textbook Program (in Portuguese, PNLEM). The general results show that the Estruturalism remains in the analyzed books, and the major aim is to make the student memorize the verb inflections without reflecting about their uses and/or their functions, besides studying them as well as adverbs in a decontextualized way. In the four decades, at times, the authors of the textbooks fully or partially presented the categories, and, some other times, they did not work with Tense, Aspect and Modality. This research is relevant to reflect about changes, which either have occurred or did not occur regarding to the analysis of verbs and adverbs, as well as to the development of textbooks of Portuguese Language.


língua portuguesa - tempo verbal lingua portuguesa livro didático língua portuguesa - modalidade tempo modality textbook modalidade aspect aspecto tense

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