O link como fator de coerência em hipertextos noticiosos brasileiros e alemães / The links as coherence tools both in Brazilian and German hypertext connections




In this work we analyze the role of the links as coherence tools both in Brazilian and German online news by applying conceptual findings from the fields of text linguistics, hypertext theories and online journalism. The purpose is to show that there is a sense continuation between the analyzed hypertexts and their links. We also observe that these links appear as strategic constructions in the news discourse and are intended to serve not only as hypertext connections, but also to provide further relevant information to the reader. Our corpus consists on ten hypertexts from the Brazilian online newspaper Folha Online (FO) and another ten from the German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Online (FN). They were chosen according to researches that had demonstrated similarities in the editorial performance between the two journalistic enterprises. Each two of these twenty online news are focused on the same events. The contrastive research of the links from linguistic and online journalistic perspectives can reveal issues that concern not only the text/discourse construction, but also the journalistic praxis in two different cultures, the Brazilian and the German. This allows us to analyze the online journalistic role in its relation to the great amount of information in the Internet.


hipertexto journalism (brazil - germany) discourse analysis análise do discurso jornalismo (brasil - alemanha) hypertext

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