O lÃxico dos anÃncios de escravos nos jornais do Recife do sÃculo XIX (1853-1855)




This research aims at recognizing and analyzing lexical and phraseological aspects as well as the discoursive strategies present in newspaper announcements on escaping slaves over the years of 1853 to 1855, extracted from the DiÃrio de Pernambuco. The research was carried out taking into account aspects: Analysis of newspaper announcements, description of the enunciative regime, social-ideological-cultural analysis of the data.The methodology consisted of 1) Compiling of the terms, 2) Organization of the corpus of announcements, 3) synchronic and diachronic analysis of text structure and the discoursive aspects of the corpus, 4) compiling of the lexicon used, identifying cultural and ideological aspects. Our investigation did not involve a discussion of the advertising genre, pointing out to the fact that by that time it was not constituted as we currently know it. The choice of space and time in which they were embedded is due to the fact that 19th -century Recife was a cultural center for the entire northeast region: and the historical and social events of the city are recorded in the newspaper announcements. The results point to a discourse aimed at informing about a specific event - the flight, selling, or rent of slaves - with the objective of reaching a perlocutionary effect (capture or purchase/rent). In mid-19th-century slave society, slaves and real estate are an illustration of the condition of âthingsâ and as such they could be sold, rented or exchanged


linguistica lexicon lÃxico anÃncio slave escravo advertising

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