O lado duro da vida fácil a exploração sexual de meninas adolescentes da periferia de Fortaleza-CE e o resgate da cidadania




The infant-juvenile sexual exploration is a world problem that uses children and adolescents for prostitution and lucrative ends, transforming them in mere goods, suspending the children s dreams and they are forced to turn women preconciously and stealing them the human dignity. This study had as general objective: to understand the meaning of to be adolescent girl and to live in prostitution situation in a neighborhood of the periphery of the city of Fortaleza-CE. The specific objectives are: 1) to investigate the noticed problems, felt and lived by the adolescents, which influence in their lives in the local context in that they are inserted, 2) to identify existent competences for a healthy sexual life promotion, 3) to subsidize educational strategies that empower the adolescents for the health promotion, through the education and prevention. The study had a descriptive character, with qualitative approach and based in presupposed of the interpretative anthropology. The places of the study were: Vicente Pizon neighborhood - known popularly as Serviluz - where the semi-structured interviews were collected, Beira-Mar Avenue and Light of Porto do Mucuripe where accomplished the free observation on the problem in subject. The data collection period corresponded to the months of August to November of 2004. The subjects were eight adolescent girls from thirteen to seventeen years of age that lived the reality of the prostitution and that they agreed with good grace in participating in the study. The data were analyzed starting from the theoretical referential proposed by Bardin thematic analysis - taking as backdrop theoretical knowledge on Interpretative Anthropology, and others already worked in the literature revision. The results revealed that all the informers possessed life histories marked by pain, suffering and losses front to a reality that shelters the poverty of the slum and the luxury of Beira-Mar Avenue at the same time. There isnt an only cause, but a multiplicity of factors that push and seduce the adolescents for the life in the street as for instance the affected family structure, the mother prostitute, the financial need and on the other hand the friends influences, the work in the street and the seduction of the newspaper announcements that seek girls. The loss of the virginity was mentioned as one experiences loving and a ritual of passage for the prostitution. In spite of the society imagines the life in the prostitution its not easy and the adolescents are exposed the every violence type, from beatings until the real death tentative for the customers. Allied the financial need, there is a relationship of power and dominance of the customer on the girl that impedes her of practicing the safe sex. Front the life that the informers take they manifested a low self-esteem and they developed solemnity-protection mechanisms. Finally, they are not noticed how pieces of a power and money game that is sex market. I understand that they need to have conscience of themselves how a thinking and active being in the world that they live, so the girls will have conditions of to exercise their citizenship and to ransom the dignity that the life in the prostitution stole them. As instrument for that conscience decision should have an educational and emancipated action on the part of the government and civil society, each one with the portion of social responsibility for the problem.


prostituiÇÃo de adolescentes - dissertaÇÕes cidadania - dissertaÇÕes saude coletiva educaÇÃo em saÚde - dissertaÇÕes

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