O lÃdico, as atividades escolares e a afetividade como elementos que contribuem para o bem-estar e a permanÃncia do aluno com necessidades educacionais especiais na escola regular / The playfulness, school activities and affection as elements that contribute to the well-being and permanence of a students with special educational needs in the regular school




This research has for objective to analyze the characteristics of the atmosphere of the regular school that contribute to the reception and the student s permanence with special educational needs in the school institution. It also seeks to: (a) investigate the established relationships between the students with special educational needs and the other individuals at the school; (b) verify if the participation and the special students interaction contributes to their wellbeing and permanence at school; (c) identify the activities that foment the students participation with special educational needs in the classroom and in out-of-classroom situations. It is a case study developed at three schools of the Municipal district of Fortaleza, taking as subjects three students with mental deficiency and one with physical deficiency. The used methodology was: observations at the schools, semi-structured interviews with the students (subjects of the research), their parents, and their teachers. The registrations were made in a diary, in tape recordings and with photographs. The results indicated that the playfulness, the school activities and the affection contribute significantly so that those students feel welcomed, establish good relationships at the regular school and want to stay there.


inclusÃo em educaÃÃo - fortaleza(ce) crianÃas deficientes - educaÃÃo - fortaleza(ce) educacao especial ambiente de sala de aula - fortaleza(ce) crianÃas deficientes - recreaÃÃo - fortaleza(ce) afeto(psicologia) atividades criativas na sala de aula

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