O impacto do regime próprio de previdência social no desenvolvimento local e o respectivo fortalecimento da autonomia municipal: o caso dos Municípios de Salvador, Camaçari, Vera Cruz e Feira de Santana


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present study aims to analyze the viability concerning the implantation of the Special Social Security at the municipal level, focusing on its application in the municipalities of Bahia in Salvador, Camaçari, Vera Cruz and Feira de Santana, with a view to the impact on the development of these. It can be inferred that this institute is manifested differently in these territories, physical, economic, sociopolitical and cultural. A Social Security Own System can provide, to the municipality, greater autonomy in the management of public resources, as well as it checks possibilities of an administration together with the public politics, aiding in the improvement of life of her population, as well as in the local development. However, an unbalanced regime itself may have negative social and economic impacts in the city founder, hindering its development and threatening the very viability of the public management, with the commitment to increasing revenues and reducing funding available for investment in meet the demands of the population.


desenvolvimento crescimento regime próprio de previdência social municípios autonomia municipal fundos previdenciários políticas públicas politicas publicas social security own system municipalities growth development municipal autonomy pension funds public politics.

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