O impacto de variáveis socioeconômicas sobre a participação eleitoral municipal : comparativo Brasil e México




This master thesis is aimed at verifying the influence of demographic, institutional and socio-economic variables on electoral participation on presidential elections in Brazilian and Mexican municipalities. Applying multivariate data analysis and propensity score matching technique at municipal level this work compare the impact of such variables in similar scenarios but varying electoral legislations: compulsory voting (CV) with sanctions and without sanctions against non-voters. The results confirm the hypothesis that socioeconomic inequalities low down the probability of electoral voting at municipal level and that CV legislations associated with sanctions is an important mechanism to enhance and maintain the electoral participation at higher levels. There were no great differences of the impact of those variables on both countries, which lead us to conclude that the CV sanctions cannot eliminate electoral participation biases by themselves. On the other hand, as electoral participation growth caused by marginal socio-economic improvements at municipalities in worse conditions responds better under CV sanctions than under CV without sanctions, this lead us to conclude that CV sanctions are specially important at countries with high inequalities rates. More important than the kind of legislation is the improvement of social and economic conditions, especially in education and reducing income inequality.


compulsory voting and sanctions méxico electoral participation municipalities idh-educação ciencia politica gini index participação eleitoral brasil variáveis institucionais e socioeconômicas Índice de gini human development education index institutional and socioeconomic variables municípios sanções e voto obrigatório brazil mexico

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