O impacto da atuação das organizações não-governamentais transnacionais na elaboração de políticas públicas do estado brasileiro pa ra a Região Amazônica




The visible growth of NGOs at the international level invites to an evaluation of the extension and relevance of their role. The changes in the international context - the emergence of the global civil society and the development of information technologies -have transformed the nature of the modern nation-state. In view of that, this work contributes to the debate concerning the impact of these organizations (or of the NGOs) on state sovereignty, which has yet not been fully assessed in the study of international politics or which has still received little attention in the study of international politics , despite evidence of growing number of research related to the subject in academic centers studying international actors . This work is divided into three parts. Firstly, it deals with the emergence of globalization and it analyzes its effects on the development of the environmental order with a brief explanation concerning the characteristics of the international system. Secondly, in a conceptual and descriptive part, it shows that NGOs are seen as active players at the international level and it analyzes their programs and influence in a broader theoretical debate about their existence in International Relations and in International Law. Thirdly, it studies the impact of Greenpeace on fostering the elaboration of public policies to the Amazon region by means of specific programs to combating deforestation. It is noteworthy to mention that the main objective of this thesis (study) is to describe the different forms of action of these NGOs and the impact they exert on governmental policies. This is an important study in light of the growing influence these actors have acquired at the international level.


transnacional transnational direito internacional relacoes internacionais organizações não-governamentais non-governmental organizations international law

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