O idoso institucionalizado: estudo da audição e das tarefas de repetição e nomeação




The group selected for present study included 42 institutionalized elderly, from 60 to 89 years old submitted to pure fone and language screening (repetition and naming tasks), in order to observe. - to verify present of, if existent, types and degrees of hearing loss in institutionalized elderly; - the performance in the language screening tasks: repetition and naming; - the positive or negative relation between hearing loss and language performance in those tasks. The study involved 20 female subjects and 22 male subject subdivided in three age groups from 60-69, 70-79 and 80-89 years olei. The statistical data indicated that the decrease of the auditory threshold were found mainly around two thousand H4 with speech area preservect this data was female and male subject presented most frequently descending curves. The performance duríng naming and repetition tasks indicated robust data on positive answers; demonstrating decreasing performance was found only in GIII. Those findings may contribute to the care of the elderly in institutional settings


audicao presbiacusia fonoaudiologia envelhecimento audiologia

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