O humor gráfico brasileiro em Portugal: um estudo do Semanário de Humor Chaimite




The theme of this study is about the language of graphic humour in a Portuguese weekly of humour, named Chaimite. Graphic humour is apprehended as a graphic-discoursive phenomenon of communication and expression within the journalistic style of the alternative press of the 70s. It is also investigated as language and narrative of a specific circumstance and context that comprehended the dialogic experience between two cultures Portuguese and Brazilian. The research approaches the environment of that alternative press in both coumtries and then defines graphic humour in its particularity and subjects it to analysis and interpretation, seeking the traces that supported the resignification of its discourse, which has Brazilian characteristics, and that supported as well its cultural placement in a Portuguese environment. The weekly of humour Chaimite, object of this study, was created by the South Brazilian writer and journalist Josué Guimarães in 1976 in Portugal. In this weekly, graphic humour was widely explored as a tool of communication and connection with the Portuguese culture and society of that time. Its architectural composition has been investigated as well as its strategics and discoursive solutions that are responsible for its meaning effects into the specific universe in which it was produced


expressão grafico-discusiva semanário de humor comunicacao humor gráfico portugal linguagem do humor brasil chaimite imprensa alternativa

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