O grau de satisfação dos usuários do portal de periódicos da CAPES: estudo de caso na Universidade de Brasília e na Universidade Federal de Goiás / The satisfaction degree of CAPES Periodic Portal users: case study in the University of Brasilia and Federal University of Goiás.




The research had as general objective to identify the user satisfaction degree of CAPES Periodic Portal, kept by CAPES in five post-graduation programs Education, Mathematics, Law, Electric Engineering, Tropical Medicine at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and University of Brasilia (UnB). The specific objectives were: to investigate the difficulties faced by users; to identify the relevance level of copied articles from the Portal; to identify the percentage of Portal fulfillment of users requests; to verify if the Portal use reflected on the increase of users scientific production. The universe of the research was composed by researchers, professors, postgraduation students and librarians of the two selected universities. The data collection was carried out through a self-applicable questionnaire with open and closed questions; interviews structured with post-graduation professors and/or coordinators; interview with librarians to complement data and visits to UnB and UFG libraries. 248 questionnaires were answered and analyzed. The results demonstrate that 73.7% of the respondents think that the electronic periodic have influenced their activities of research or productivity and 26.3% think that it did not. 33.6% of the respondents fully agree with the assertive, "I published more articles because electronic periodic give easy and fast access to quality articles", 48.7% partly agree and 17.7% disagree. 26.8% of the respondents declare to be unaware of Portal and 7.5% do not know how to use it. The major difficulty faced by the users is to get a complete text copy. The degree of relevance of the Portal articles is high for 96% of the users who attributed a degree above 50%. More than half of the respondents attributed a note higher than 70 to the Portal and 86.1%, a note higher than 50 regarding the capacity of attendance of their information necessities. From the 184 users of the Portal, 48% do not prepare the searching strategy with antecedence. Regardig the degree of satisfaction related to the use of the Portal, the users are fairly satisfied on the access speed, titles selection and language, Portal advertising and graphical presentation. The research concludes that the majority of users is reasonably satisfied with CAPES Periodic Portal, and that is necessary an increased Portal advertising and trainning.


portal de periódicos da capes periódico eletrônico estudo de usuários informação científica e tecnológica biblioteca digital capes ciencia da informacao comunicação científica biblioteca universitária

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