O gestual cotidiano das lavadeiras e sua relação com os Orixas : uma concepção coreografica




This work had as objective to verify the existent relationship among the dances of the orixás of the water ( Oxum and Iemanjá ) and the gesture of the laundresses of the area of Islander-BA, seeking the re-elaboration of those elements in the choreographic composition. Weaving reflections on the dance, the influence and the consequences of the mythical and symbolic thought for the human being, in the general context, enlarging those reflections in Myth Nagô study. Also, to understand the process for which the man elaborates, it re-elaborates, it creates and it exchanges knowledge through its mythical experiences, also presents in the dance. The used methodology was the one of the research - action in the one which the researcher and researched they participated actively of the research. This study was developed on the myth, symbol, AITo-Brazilian mythology and the gesture of the laundresses, providing a creative processoThe artistic product ofthat research went to the denominated choreographic composition Abebé . In Abebé it was considered important to select the symbolic elements they be she reelaborated. In that perspective Orixás Oxum and Iemanjá symbolic entities are considered, that represent the element water. and they possess the symbol in common Abebé - ritual fan. It settled down, a choreographic language, through analogies and re-elaborate-if the gesture of the laundresses and the dances ofthe orixás ofthe water ( Oxum and Iemanjá ). In this context, the dance was structured whose origin is the AITican tradition with its fundamental characteristics, bringing the gesture of the laundresses, the myth and the ancestor for the contemporary dance.


coreografia mito oxum dança - bahia simbolismo iemanja

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