O gesto didático de regulação da aprendizagem: a sondagem em uma turma de alfabetização / The didactic gesture of learning regulation: sondagem in a literacy class


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research proposes to think about the instruments and assessment practices in literacy, with regard to teaching, from the analysis of episodes of assessment in a first-grade class in a municipal school in São Paulo, focusing on the work done under the Programa Ler e Escrever (Reading and Writing Program). The study intends to reflect on the application of the instrument for assessing the level of acquisition of the alphabetic writing system of the students in the literacy process, called sondagem (poll). It aims to contribute to discussing and rethinking assessment practices of literacy in elementary school. The corpus generated by the ethnographic qualitative methodology consists of a set of audio recordings, performed in the classroom and on field notes. The aim is to investigate how literacy assessment is configured in the following areas: classroom, the planning done by the literacy teacher and official materials of the Program. From a theoretical standpoint, the research is based on studies that relate to teaching in action in education and training spheres (TARDIF &LESSARD, 2005; AEBY DAGUÉ &DOLZ, 2007; SCHNEUWLY, 2000, 2002, 2009a, 2009b). In this direction, face to face interactions (teacher / student) in which it is assessing the level of acquisition of the alphabetic writing system (sondagem) are analyzed in their educational level, from the concept of professional gestures (AEBY DAGUÉ &DOLZ, 2007; AEBY DAGUÉ, 2009; JACQUIN, 2010; SCHNEUWLY, 2000, 2009b), especially the gesture of regulation, and interactional-textual level, from the question-answer dialogue. This study finds that the regulation by the sondagem (from the moment it becomes institutionalized by the Municipal Education as the main instrument for literacy assessment) determines (under different aspects) the teacher\ s work, at the same time that reconfigures itself in the interaction with children in the appropriation process of writing.


alfabetização assessment of learning avaliação das aprendizagem desempenho do professor literacy teachers performance

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