O gerenciamento do planejamento de mercado nas distribuidoras de energia elétrica: do racionamento ao ambiente regulado e livre de contratação de energia / The Management of Market Planning in the Utilities: From the Rationing to the Regulated Environment and Free Costumers.




The objective of this work is to quantify the relations between the demand of electric energy and its main relations with the economic, socio-economic and behavioral indicators of the Country, searching the relation of electricity consumption with the GDP Gross Domestic Product, its economic aggregates and the consumption of electricity of Brazil, Southeast region and the State of São Paulo, with its main classes of residential, commercial and Industrial consumption, in the period between 1984 to 2007. For statistical analysis, the E-Views were used as a support and advances to obtain the best statistical coefficients and data processing. The results obtained were compatible with those expected. The national demand proved to be flexible to the behavior of the Gross Domestic Product of the Country for the period of 2003 - 2008, being evidenced the strong relation to the economic indicators. The Southeast Region called the locomotive of the national growth for its bigger predominance of industry and commerce in the region, proved to be elastic to the GDP, but slightly lower compared with the behavior of the national consumption, reflexion of changes and government incentives for expansion and the creation of industrial areas in pioneer regions with booming population. Regarding to the residential classes of the State of São Paulo, the consumption proved to be inelastic with the growth rates of the income, that is, the growth of the residential consumption is inferior to the growth of the income, but with small statistics relations in the variations presented for this economic indicator, needing however, more advanced studies including other control variables as the price and other things presented in the work. For the commercial class of the State of São Paulo, the relation with the Services GDP Brazil was better and for the industrial demand its adhesion to the Brazilian Industrial GDP.


free customers captive customers regression elasticity demanda e consumo de energia elétrica tarifa de fornecimento de energia elétrica. demand and consumption of electric energy clientes cativos clientes livres billed energy tariff. elasticidade regressão

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