O gerenciamento de categorias de pertencimento no trabalho de avaliação pedagógica na fala-em-interação de sala de aula de EJA


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research investigates how participants of an EJA classroom talk-and-interaction are sequentially oriented to the management of institutional membership categories (teacher, student) such as other emergent categories in the accomplishment of the collective pedagogical assessment work. Analysis is grounded on Conversation Analysis and Ethnomethodology studies and attempts to understand how participants orient to each other through membership categorization device sequentially and locally producing and maintaining the social reality of the event. The data consists of 50 minutes of audiovisual recorded interactions generated in early 2009 in a fifth period classroom of EJA in a public school in Porto Alegre, which were segmented, transcribed and sequentially analysed. The procedural and interpretative treatment of data displays the participants orientations in an attempt to restore the normal courses of actions according to their expectations, informed by the common sense knowledge and manifested here and now regarding the morally accountable rights and obligations bounded to the omnirelevant categories in the event (teacher and student). In face of the shared and situated understanding that assess consists in to ascribe a grade and that this action is bounded to the teacher category obligations, participants resist to implement this action, highlighting the participants obligations and developing accountability sequences. At last, this research stands with respect to the methodological divergence in MCA studies, pointing to the sequential, local, orderly, emergent, intersubjective and dynamic character of categorization work, and offering a distinction between the projection of a categorical item and the categorization work. Moreover, it points to the potentially conflictual and delicate character of the action of assess being implemented by other participants than the teacher, but at the same time to the relevance of the collective pedagogical assessment activity, as being an activity that includes the management of categories related to knowledge and to experience, it repeats in other social action spheres and reflects on the practical decisions of the citizens in society.


collective pedagogical assessment institutional talk-in-interaction lingüística aplicada avaliacao pedagogica categorization work interação aluno-sala de aula educação de jovens e adultos

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