O gênero textual tira em vestibular: uma análise de questões de leitura e compreensão




This dissertation aims to analyze some questions about reading comprehension from the genre comic strip in the vestibular context, based on Textual Linguistics and studies on textual genres. This research justifies itself because comic strips have been pointed by PCN (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais) as a textual genre to be privileged in classroom and have been coming up constantly in exams, such as Enem (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio), Saresp (Sistema de Avaliação do Sistema Escolar do Estado de São Paulo) and college entrance exams (vestibulares). We also have to bring out that, more recently, PNBE ( Programa Nacional Biblioteca na Escola) included comic books in its list of books. Bearing in mind the objective of this research, some comprehension questions were selected, for exemplification, and elaborated on the textual genre comic strip in Unicamp vestibular, in the period 2002- 2008. The results indicate that the questions require from de reader knowledge of comic strips characteristics, attention to the non-verbal language associated to the verbal language, activation of diverse knowledge (linguistic, encyclopedic, textual, interactional etc), production of inference, and so on. In sum this work calls attention to the necessity of working comic strips reading in classroom in a perspective which brings out the readers role as an active subject who appeals to several strategies in order to produce any sense in the text


produção de sentido reading leitura lingua portuguesa sense production tiras compreensao na leitura historias em quadrinho comic strips comics text texto

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