O gênero contrato jurídico e o hermetismo lingüístico: uma análise de cinco contratos de empresas de assistência à saúde e de seus processos de composição textual e discursiva / The contracts of health assistant companies and his discursive resources of structure: a genre linguistically impenetrable




Juridical contracts are indispensable texts to the acquisition of properties and services really necessary to individuals daily. And because of the importance of these texts, this work checks the textual and the discursive resources of structure used in five contracts of some health assistant companies. This work asks if this kind of text propose a discursive interaction when the use of an enunciation situation is needed. At the discursive point of view, the analysis proposed take us to confirm that there is some inappropriations in the contracts in relation to its public, breaking Conversational Maxims proposed by Grice. At the textual point of view, we can see that the texts use knowledge from discursive nature of professions related to Law, to Health and to Economy. The analysis of juridical contracts, considering both points of view, provides a huge textual delimitation of this genre. Besides it, the avail of the study can promote more clear comprehension of the contracts for individuals on its daily


discurso língua portuguesa análise do discurso contrato conhecimento discurse língua portuguesa gênero text lingua portuguesa genre gênero texto coesão (linguística) knowledge redação forense contracts intertextualidade

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