O frevo-de-rua no Recife : características socio-histórico-musicais e um esboço estilístico-interpretativo.




This study offers characteristics about the performing processes of the Frevo-de-Rua by trumpet players of Recife, Brazil. This characterization is done using the survey techniques with the trumpet players and by interviews with some of the most famous composers and musicians of this musical genre. The main objective is to verify the existence of replicated performing patterns and to describe some of these replicated patterns related with tempo, articulation, accentuation and dynamics. Besides, there is an examination of the social, historic and musical characteristics of the frevo-de-rua. This characterization is done in order to create a wider concept of the frevo necessary to any performer. It involves the social environment, important historical facts, and musical aspects related with its origins, categories, typical instrumental groups, and musical structure.


práticas interpretativas frevo trumpet musica trompete trumpet players, social, historical and musical characteristics performing practice frevo trompetistas, caracterização social, histórica e musical

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