O fim do silêncio: As dinâmicas relacionais e a reconstrução das famílias com vítimas de seqüestro




This report has its fundamental goal by understanding relationship dynamics on kidnapped victims and their families reconstruction. Get deeper on either practical or theoretical view giving a whole understanding of families process who had suffered a traumatic event, the kidnap. Discuss theoretically view of family relationship, their frontiers, the ambiguous loss, and trauma in all its dimensions, social, psychological and political. Base on literature and clinical background, developing a therapeutic action. Person and their families, who had suffered violence situations of any kind, especially kidnapping victims, might lead to isolation by feeling insecure and fearful created by the situation and the troubled unknown. Normality and tranquility disappears, breaking the family balance. All the problems that families had before the kidnap get worse after the event, rising conflicts. The after kidnapping experience from families (brief kidnapping or captivity) has shown that traumatic situation never ends. Some families return to their previous life, but the majority gets into a reconstruction process that normally takes time and creates pain (PSTD). Inside their living group, being silent about the theme in majority of time can be imposed by inability to find a solution, or to avoid suffer reviving. The consequence is more silence avoiding talking about the subject or anything that might remind them. The moment they accept that all of them are suffering from kidnap effects and the family system must be reconstructed to focusing and developing new schemes for family function, then it was possible to find the key that helped to untangle the fear feeling mess, sadness, guilty and anger. The followed road was the grief process for everything they had lost and were express by the end of silence, resulting to a new restructured family system. The spot of this investigation were selected by the study of Systemic Familiar Sociodrama that encloses Systematic Psychodrama Therapy. Psychodrama allows a correlated function to the internal world (intra-psychic) and external world (reality), seeking to regain spontaneity, lowering tensions, textual zing contents and talking about feelings. The systemic approach takes human systems out of individual focus, in another word from the intra-psychic to the inter-relatio


seqüestro psychodramatic therapy psicodrama violencia -- aspectos psicologicos terapia psicodramática trauma violência stress pos-traumatico systemic therapy psicologia estresse pós-traumático terapia sistêmica kidnap violence sequestro pos-traumatic disorder (ptsd) trauma vitimas de sequestro

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