O fenÃmeno rÃdio mulher : comunicaÃÃo e gÃnero nas ondas de rÃdio




This paper discusses the sociocultural changes taking place in the southern litoral region of Pernambuco, a state in the northeast of Brazil. It is an original study concerning the reception of a radio program called Radio Muylher, produced and presented by the organized womenÂs groups of the region. These groups work in close connection with Centro das Mulheres do Cabo (Cabo WomenÂs Center), a non governamental organization , which has been consolidating its support in divulging the feminist discourse for equality with men in a macho and patriarchal society. The research traces the particular closeness between the production, development and the reception of the programme, since the women groupsâ leaders are also part of the radio programme council. As a consequence, a recovery of the feminine oral culture has already been noticed. This paper also seeks to find out the use the audience makes of the information broadcasted by Radio Mulhe as well as the contradictions in the political practice of the local militants who recognize feminism importance and yet find it difficult to incorporate historical fights such as the ones for legal abortion and free sexual orientation. Interviews, observation of the daily activities of the groups as well as of Radio Mulher production have led to the conclusion that women in the southern litoral region of Pernambuco consider communication as a field for political action and a useful strategy against the subordination to which they have been historically submitted


comunicacao condiÃÃes socias mulher comunicaÃÃo de massa rÃdio mulher

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